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Solar Facts

Choosing to install a solar system is one of the biggest decisions you will make as a homeowner. It can also be one of the easiest. Solar is the only home improvement that not only pays for itself but can generate revenue. Solar is a safe investment but a little research is a good idea. I think the best customer is an informed customer.

How Much Does Solar Cost?

The price will vary based on system size, panel choice, and applicable incentives. Most systems run between $15,000–$35,000 before incentives, or $9,000–$22,000 after state rebates and federal tax credits. The “turn-key” price we quote you covers all aspects of designing and installing your system. Yes, that sounds like a lot. But how much will you spend on electricity over the next 10 years? By going solar, you can take an existing bill and turn it into an asset by building equity in your energy source. While some customers pay cash for their system, the vast majority finance it instead. The monthly payment for the solar system is less than they pay to their utility company! In other words, it’s more expensive to not make the switch to solar.

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